Denver Medical Concierges

5 Warning Signs of Pregnancy

May 06, 2024
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Early signs of pregnancy.

Pregnancy is a time of great joy and excitement, but it can also be a time of worry and concern. It is important to be aware of the warning signs of pregnancy that may indicate a problem or potential complication.   

If you are pregnant and in your 2nd or 3rd trimester of pregnancy. These are 5 reasons why you need to contact your certified nurse-midwife (CNM), Obstetrician or other prenatal care provider.  These warning signs are typically reviewed by your prenatal care provider at every prenatal visit. Patient education is given and follow-up planning is reviewed.  Some of the key warning signs of pregnancy are listed below:

  1. If your Water Breaks or you are experiencing Loss of Fluid:  which includes any type of fluid loss such as leaking amniotic fluid (your “water breaking”) you should contact your provider right away as this could indicate preterm labor or other complications. 
  2. Vaginal Bleeding: Any amount of vaginal bleeding during pregnancy should be reported to your healthcare provider right away. This can go from being a very minor issue to something that can become very serious. For more information on some of the causes of early vaginal bleeding and 2nd or 3rd trimester vaginal bleeding in pregnancy link to the attached videos on vaginal bleeding in pregnancy. And definitely call your on-call provider if you experience vaginal bleeding during your pregnancy.
  3. Headache that is not resolved with Tylenol or you are light sensitive as a result of this headache.  Signs and Symptoms of Pregnancy Induced Hypertension (PIH) or Pre-Eclampsia: PIH is a condition that can occur during pregnancy and can lead to serious complications for both mother and baby if not treated promptly. Signs and symptoms may include high blood pressure, headaches, nausea/vomiting, vision changes, swelling in the face/hands/feet (soft marker), or protein in the urine.     
  4. Decreased Fetal Movement: fetal movement is one of the best indicators of fetal well-being. Thus, decreased fetal movement can be a sign that something may be compromising fetal oxygenation for your baby.  As a part of your routine prenatal care we educate you on the timing of daily fetal kick countsWhat to do if you are experiencing decreased fetal movement and fetal kick counts with an anterior placenta.  If you are greater than 26-27 weeks and experiencing less than 10 fetal movements in 2 hours you should get in contact with your prenatal care provider right away so they can evaluate the situation further.     
  5. Preterm Labor: If you experience any signs or symptoms of preterm labor such as contractions, cramping, lower back pain, or an increase in vaginal discharge before 37 weeks gestation, you should contact your doctor immediately.         

It is important to remember that most pregnancies go smoothly without any problems, but it is always better to be safe than sorry when it comes to your health and your baby’s health! If you experience any warning signs during your pregnancy make sure you contact your doctor right away for further evaluation and advice on how best to proceed with care. 

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